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Privacy Policy

The privacy policy is an essential part of this page terms and conditions after this, referred to as the "Terms of Use." Please read following the Terms of conditions and Privacy Policy. In addition to the terms and conditions, we are also committed to protecting your privacy. Representatives may only use information about you or a licensed physician approved by you, based on their knowledge. Our systems and data are reviewed continuously to protect your personal and health information. We initiate criminal proceedings to resolve these issues, investigate complaints and actions, and take legal action to indemnify liability for in-dentification. Users who do not agree to these conditions will have to leave the site immediately.


This policy appeals to anyone who enters the website. A person should read and check the privacy policy before uploading any personal information. Suppose you accidentally transmit the same data to our website and do not know how to collect, process, or use that information before reading the privacy policy set out here. In that case, you may have direct written access to modify and download all the data concerning you. We hold user data, and each user is also obligated to delete and destroy all such information.

Use of personal information

You or your legal representative provide us with your personal information when using our services. If this information is incorrect, you can request a correction or deletion. To ensure that data is changed, appropriate measures are taken using the following laws. If we correct or delete personal information, we may ask you to verify your identity before responding to your request. We can decide to reject any offer that violates the law because it requires excessive technical effort. We do not guarantee that third parties will unknowingly and without consent copy and delete the remaining third party files.


Suppose you sincerely believe that accessing, using, maintaining, or distributing this information is appropriate in any authority for further information, subject to the following conditions. In that case, you may exchange this data with third parties who need this data or obtain it. More Acts (ii) court orders (iii) deals with equipment fraudprohibited and detected.

If you choose to use certain features available on the site and want to use these features to define your own, you agree to the sending of contact details. Our representatives may request certain confidential information (full official name, address, gathered products, etc.) or other information necessary for email, telephone, or letter/express from time to time.

It is assumed that Medlife uses personal data to analyze or understand detailed information and lifestyle through authorized personnel. In this case, you agree that we have the same meaning as the doctors for limited explanation and verification. However, we are the sole owner of such records and information unless you choose to purchase such records and account information paid to us.